U2 Travel Guide

U2 Travelguide » USA, California » Los Angeles: Million Dollar Hotel


On the roof of a liquor store in Los Angeles U2 shoot the video for 'Where The Streets Have No Name' on 27 March 1987. Especially for the video shoot the roof advertisement of the 'Million Dollar Hotel' a few hundred metres down the road is transferred to the store’s roof instead. Since then the hotel and the history around it have captured Bono’s imagination, and together with Nicholas Klein he writes a movie script. On 9 February 2000 the Berlin Film Festival opens with the finished movie, ‘The Million Dollar Hotel’. Though the hotel is by now called 'Frontier Hotel', the sign can still be seen on top of the 1917 building.

Note: While the 'Million Dollar Hotel' is located in downtown L.A., other, rougher districts are rather close, and a variety of shady characters can be found around the hotel. We recommend not to venture down there on your own!


Million Dollar Hotel: 5th/Main (1)
Liquor Store: 7th/Main (2) in Downtown L.A.


Californiakarte Nr. 1 | In the very heart of L.A. From Union Station past City Hall five blocks to the Million Dollar Hotel.


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