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U2 News » Mandela SOS Konzert abgesagt
Das Mandela SOS Benefiz-Konzert, welches am 02. Februar auf Robben Island stattfinden sollte ist heute von den Organisatoren abgesagt worden. Es konnte keine Einigung mit den Produzenten bzw. Sponsoren des Konzertes gefunden werden, so berichtet Reuters. Weiterhin gibt es dazu folgendes Statement von Geschäftsführer John Samuel: "We have, however, concluded that the concert cannot take place since the proposed producers were not able to come to a satisfactory agreement with the Foundation." Das Konzert sollte weltweit übertragen werden, und alle Einnahmen sollten den Organisationen Nelson Mandela Foundation, UNAIDS und dem Robben Island Museum zugute kommen. Weiterhin wäre es, wie wir mehrfach berichtet haben, die Premiere des neuen Songs 48864 gewesen, der unter anderem von Bono eigens für dieses Konzert mitgeschrieben wurde. Organizers Call Off Mandela AIDS Concert Fri January 17, 2003 02:19 PM ET JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) - Organizers called off an HIV/AIDS benefit concert that Nelson Mandela was due to host on Robben Island next month, saying on Friday they had not been able to reach a satisfactory agreement with its proposed producers. The former South African president, who spent 18 years in prison on Robben Island under apartheid, had been due to host the concert on February 2. Artists like U2's Bono, Macy Gray and Shaggy had been expected to take part in the concert within the walls of the island jail, which is now a World Heritage Site. "We were overwhelmed with the enthusiastic response to Madiba's (Mandela's) call by the international artists who rose to the occasion to offer support for this proposed historic Human Rights Concert. We value their commitment to South Africa," said John Samuel, chief executive of the Nelson Mandela Foundation. "We have, however, concluded that the concert cannot take place since the proposed producers were not able to come to a satisfactory agreement with the Foundation," he said in a statement. Samuel said the decision not to proceed with the concert was taken to avoid any embarrassment that could have been caused if promises were not met in the time available. An assistant to Samuel confirmed the concert had been canceled but gave no further details. Mandela, who admits he still finds it difficult to say the word "condom" in public, has become a leading AIDS awareness campaigner in South Africa. At least one in nine South Africans, or about 4.8 million people, has the disease or is infected with the HIV virus that causes it. Researchers say up to seven million people could die of AIDS-related illness by 2010. Mandela said last month he had approached other international artists -- including Bruce Springsteen, Sting, Elton John, Bob Dylan, Michael and Janet Jackson. The concert was to have been televised globally with all funds raised going to the Nelson Mandela Foundation, the U.N. agency UNAIDS and Robben Island Museum. ©Reuters Mit Sternchen (*) gekennzeichneten Verweise sind sogenannte Provision-Links (Affiliate-Links). Wenn du über einen solchen Verweisklick einen Einkauf tätigst, bekommen wir von deinem Einkauf eine Provision. Für dich verändert sich der Preis nicht. |