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U2 News » Bono in Afrika "I cannot believe that ..."

Bono ist mit Paul O'Neill bei seiner Afrika Reise nun in Äthiopien angekommen. Im Gespräch mit einem Reporter meine Bono "In the last 10 days while we have been on this trip in sub-Saharan Africa, 55 000 people have died of Aids, $400-million has been spent by Africans on debt payments — much of this to the IMF and World Bank — and 14 000 mothers have given HIV to their children in childbirth. Can you believe that? I cannot believe that. It is insanity [...] It is just not acceptable that Ethiopia, where 62 percent of adults cannot read, where one million children are orphans, is paying $100-million a year to us. This is not acceptable on any level, anywhere, anyhow." Weitere Auszüge aus dem Gespräch und ein sehr interessanter Bericht findet sich auf den Seiten von www.iafrica.com!

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