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U2 News » Edge und Daniel Lanois bereden Best Of

In einem Interview hat Daniel Lanois 'The Toronto Sun' erzählt, dass er sich vor kurzem mit Edge über das nächste Best Of-Album unterhalten hat. "To my knowledge there's a 'best of the '90s' that's going to come out before their next official record. So they're probably looking to pepper that with a new track or two", so Lanois. Und weiterhin Edge: "I have a vested interest here. We've already done the work for this best-of. I want as good a record as it can be." Zum nächsten Studio-Album hat sich Daniel Lanois wie folgt geäußert: "They came off the road and decided to go straight in and get some recording done. I believe they set up in the south of France and just shacked up in an old nightclub there and knocked out a couple of weeks of recording." Weitere News dazu: - 13. Januar 2002 - 20. Februar 2002 - 20. März 2002

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