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U2 News » 'Keeping the Peace': Bono im Interview

Auf den Seiten von 'ASCAP' gibt es ein sehr gutes Interview mit Bono. Gesprochen wurde über Bonos soziales Engagement, die Elevation Tour und die Studioarbeit. (Anmerkung: Das Interview wurde bereits im Oktober geführt) ASCAP: How much more touring will you be doing for the record? Bono: "Well, actually this tour that is coming up was supposed to be a lap of honor. We had such a great time the first time around. But I have a funny feeling that this album is just coming into itself. There are songs on it, like 'When I Look At The World' and 'Kite' and 'Grace', that are suddenly right in the middle of what people are listening to now. And they weren't three weeks ago. I've never been as excited to go on tour." Das komplete Interview gibt es hier zum lesen:

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