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U2 News » Bono als Zeuge bei Prozess gegen Peter Buck

Im April letzten Jahres wurde ein British Airways-Flug von Seattle nach Heathrow Peter Buck (Gitarrist von R.E.M.) zum Verhängnis. Ihm wird vorgeworfen, im Flugzeug betrunken randaliert zu haben und das Flugpersonal angegriffen zu haben (Anzeige wegen Körperverletzung). Heute fand in Isleworth Crown Court, in West-London, die Gerichtsverhandlung statt. Überraschend fand sich Bono als Leumundszeuge im Gericht ein, und hat zur Entlastung seines langjährigen Freundes Peter Buck ausgesagt. Mit einem "Hello there" betrat Bono den Zeugenstand, "Ich habe ihn noch nie betrunken gesehen. Ich habe noch nie gesehen, dass er Drogen genommen hat", so Bono, der ganz relaxed gesprochen hat. "Er ist ein sehr ruhiger und friedfertiger Mensch", und weiter "Diese ganze Angelegenheit ist lächerlich und bizarr". Peter Buck bestreitet die Anklagepunkte, er behauptet, eine Schlaftablette während des Fluges genommen zu haben und etwas Alkohol getrunken zu haben. Durch dieses Zusammenwirken, hätte er einen Blackout erlitten. Der Prozess wird weiter fortgesetzt. Bono beim Verlassen des Isleworth Crown Court Foto: ©REUTERS/Kieran Doherty

Sky News Bericht: Bono Defends REM Star U2 singer Bono has told a court that fellow rock star Peter Buck was "famously peaceful" and he had never seen him drunk. The Irish rock god made a surprise court appearance in London as a character witness for the REM guitarist, who faces charges of being drunk on a transatlantic flight and attacking cabin crew. The singer said Buck, 45, was the very antithesis of the hellraising rocker. Drugs "I have never ever seen him drunk. I have absolutely never seen him taking drugs," he said. Bono appeared relaxed and spoke softly to the court. He was wearing a black suit, black shirt and a single gold and silver ear-ring and had dispensed of the trademark wrap-around shades. He said: "I came over because he is actually famously known for being peaceful. "This is ridiculous, it is a very bizarre event." 'Famous parent' He went on: "I just wanted to stand up and be heard. It didn't add up to the person whose arm I had to twist to go to a boxing match because he thought it was an aggressive sport." His friend, he said, was also a "famous parent", explaining: "It is very hard to get him to go on tour because he loves his kids so much. "He is a very quiet man. This may embarrass him but I had to come here and say it." Sleeping pill Bono was speaking during the sixth day of Buck's trial at Isleworth Crown Court. Buck denies one charge of being drunk on a Boeing 747 Seattle to Heathrow flight last April, two of common assault on crew,and one allegation of damaging crockery. He claims he took a sleeping pill prior to the flight which reacted with a small amount of alcohol he had drunk, producing a mental blackout. The trial continues. © 2002 BSkyB

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