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MP3 Download - Grüße von U2 bei Juno Awards stellt ein MP3 zur Verfügung, mit der Grußbotschaft von U2 (kam per Video), an Michael Cohl und Daniel Lanois, bei den Juno Awards. U2 sind, wie immer, für einen Spaß zu haben. Also, dieser lustige Download lohnt sich! Hier geht es zum Download... Weitere News dazu: - 12. Februar 2002 - 15. April 2002

Und hier von der komplette Text: An Micheal Cohl: (B = Bono, L = Larry, A = Adam, E = Edge) B, L, E (song): Micheal Cohl the Boat Ashore, Hallelujah! B, L, E (song): Micheal Cohl the Boat Ashore, Hallelujah! E: Love that one! rB: Congrats Michael! E: Congrats! An Daniel Lanois: (B = Bono, L = Larry, A = Adam, E = Edge) E, L (song): Oh Danny Boy the pipes the pipes are calling.... Bono (over Larry and the Edge humming): Dan. How could we put it into words? It's Impossible. And so we sing to you of extraordinary times that we've spent together at work in the studio and at play around the city of Dublin. Where they still talk of you in the cafes and the bars and the botanical gardens where you would often go to photograph small shrubbery. From you we have our best work, under the threat of violence of course. To sing to you Danny Lanois, an extraordinary gifted man, musician, and thug. God bless you and all who sail in you. Canada is lucky to have you. Your country doesn't need you. We do. God Bless Danny Boy Lanois. E: Congrats Dan L: Thumbs Up Gesture A: Big Smile.

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