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Jim Kerr über U2

Die anstehende Veröffentlichung des neuen U2-Albums 'How To Dismantle An Atomic Bomb' hat auch Simple Minds'-Frontman Jim Kerr dazu bewegt, einige Worte darüber auf der offiziellen Simple Minds-Homepage zu veröffentlichen. Er schreibt:

Wednesday 17 November 2004 : Ali Ooops!! In a world of little certainty one of the only things that you safely can bet on right now is that the new album released by U2 will command an untold amount of worldwide media exposure. Oh, you can also bet that millions upon millions of dollars will have been spent on a marketing campaign to make sure that this is so, but that is a cynical thought and besides the point. I have not heard this new album yet, I have not heard their pre-released single yet either. In fact as I recall I doubt that I have heard any of their last four or five albums the whole way thru. But that was more to do with the fact that for a long time I was uninterested in the sound of most rock records regardless of who made them. As much as I am however looking forward to hearing this new record, one thing for sure is that due to liking both Bono and Edge so much, (loving them actually) I will lack any real capacity to judge the music fairly. My feelings for this group are very partisan and to be honest it has been like this since I first came across them when we played together in a field in Belgium a heck of a long time ago. It was the two day Tourhout and Werchter festival that brought us together actually. Prior to that I had noticed the rave press that they were getting, but I had not bought any of their albums, feeling that it would be too "rockist" for me despite quite liking some of the singles. Interestingly, my brother was a massive fan and had seen them a couple of times when they played in Glasgow Tiffanys ballroom. He said that they were the proverbial bees knees, maybe even as good as us!!! Forgive him he was my wee brother after all. Apart from that Charlie had met these "great Irish guys, in a band" previously. Least that was how he described them on the night both bands stayed in the same cheap Mancunian B&B, literally passing each other in the corridor and politely saying hello. Charlie did however catch up with both the singer and guitar player later on in the evening and chatted to them for about five minutes, chuffed with the praise that they were giving to our then new single "The American". It would be a while before we would meet up again, although everyone who either knew or worked for both of us had at varying times commented on how we would really like these people. That we had so much in common, same sort of spirit, similar energy etc. I did not pay much attention, to be frank I was absorbed in our thing and our thing only. And so to Tourhourt where in all truth we had a great show that day. It rained heavily when we went on but the sun then came out as we were peaking emotionally. We were blinding that day, or so everyone seemed to think. I thought we could have done better and got a little moody as I recall, all because Mick seemed to be blasting out way too loud, killing all subtleties. Childish really. Me, not Mick! Next up, U2 followed us, and by their own admission they were a little under par. Impressive for sure but maybe a little tired having flown in just the previous day from America. Afterwards their little lead singer Bono (yes, even littler than me) was showing no sign of fatigue as we talked enthusiastically about our dreams and hopes. Generosity of spirit was pouring out of him, and we instantly got to striking up a friendship that lasts to this day. He was great company and just so fired up about...well just about everything. It left me in no doubt that with a fire like that going on inside their lead singer, they would achieve their even then self declared goal of becoming the biggest band in the world. Afterwards I agreed to ride back to the hotel with Bono and his beautiful young wife Ali. A wonderful girl. Unfortunately for her, it had been a long boiling hot July day and we were crammed into a tiny mini bus for the ride back to Bruxelles. Equally I remember how both Bono and I stank really badly of stale sweat. We were rancid actually, as a result of performing earlier and having had no opportunity to shower. Even now I still blush and feel sorry for what poor Ali had to endure as she sat sandwiched between us in the backseat on that musky evening! The next day at Werchter was a different story. They put on a set that was electrifying. Out of this world in fact. So strong it was like nothing I had previously witnessed, the kind of set that is impossible to follow. Yet, in our own way we did just that. Both acts went down an absolute storm in front of a festival audience that matched us for energy and enthusiasm. Afterwards although totally drained, everyone involved was flush with a great feeling of satisfaction. Ever since then and continuing to the present I have had no doubt as to the thorough greatness of U2, both as a band and as people. Good on them then, and congratulations with their continued success that they have worked so hard for! Good luck to Bob Geldolf also with Band Aid 20. I just admire Geldolf so much for his global commitment that has never waned. Differing views exist of course as to how effective Band Aid was twenty years ago when it was formed to seek relief for the famine victims in Ethiopia. Personally I have no doubt that once the dust had settled and all the hype and hot air faded, the proceeds of the campaign would still have helped to save millions of lives at least. Surely that has to be a positive thing. Regarding the bigger question of how to solve world hunger, well only politicians and not pop stars can answer that! The responsibility lies with them but they can be influenced by all of us. Let us hope that Band Aid again can be like an ignition key for the political "bandwagon" to get mobile and moving in the right direction. God speed! JK :: Posted by :: JK (Danke an Miri für den Hinweis)

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