U2 Travel Guide

U2 Travelguide » Ireland » Killiney


Bono's and Edge's present home. Killiney is a suburb of Dublin where the rich and famous live. When the weather is good it reminds one of Ireland’s south, partly due to its beautiful beach. A walk at Killiney Beach is highly recommended. This also gives you a good view of Bono’s house (picture 4). In 2001 plans to extend the house by one more floor were rejected by the local planning council. So in September 2003 Bono simply bought his neighbour’s house for about one million euros.

Since everyone can find out about Bono’s address, there is no need to make a secret of it here. The centre of attraction is the entrance to the Hewson family’s estate. A lot further than to the gate there you are certainly not able to go, but many fans have immortalized themselves here. Of course everything is strictly recorded by video cameras, and generally we request that you not to disturb the family’s privacy,
as sometimes even B-Man needs his quiet.

Not far from Bono’s house is also the house of Edge and Morleigh, but we forego giving a precise description at this point.


Vico Rd, Killiney


Irelandkarte Nr. 1 | Take the Dart south to Killiney. Follow the Vico Rd. north for about 10 minutes until you come to the crossing of Vico Rd. and Strathmore Rd. Bono’s gate is on the right side. If you want to go to the beach follow the path right of the gate. Alternatively you can walk down the hill and turn right into the beach car park.


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