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U2 News » Buch "U2_Back In Berlin” veröffentlicht
Anlässlich des 30. Geburtstags von U2s Meisterwerk Achtung Baby und der ZooTV Tour 1992/93 erscheint das Buch "U2_Back In Berlin”. News also in English! ENGLISH VERSION BELOW (CLICK) und verschiedene Touren zu den Orten der Berliner Musikgeschichte, darunter auch spezielle U2 Berlin Touren. ENGLISH VERSION On the occasion of the 30th anniversary of U2's masterpiece Achtung Baby and the ZooTV Tour 1992/93, the book "U2_Back In Berlin" is published. In the early 90s, Berlin became a kind of conceptual backdrop for the album "Achtung Baby". U2 and the German capital were at the beginning of an intimate relationship that continues to this day. 30 years later, Berlin city guide Lieve Pillen, Belgian author Dirk Timmerman and U2 Berlin expert Thilo Schmied from Berlin Music Tours embark on a journey to the places that inspired U2 at the time. With "U2_Back In Berlin" they not only give an insight into the places that have a special connection with U2, but also let numerous fans have their say about how they experienced the time back then. They also provided numerous, previously unpublished photos. There is also a review of the ZooTV Tour with all the concert dates. With the help of the travel guide, you can also revisit the places with U2's past. The 260-page book is now available in bookstores and on Amazon: • Order "U2_Back In Berlin" in German at Amazon: CLICK* • The English edition of "U2_Back In Berlin" will also be available in a few weeks. In cooperation with the authors, we are giving away five "U2_Back In Berlin" books (German edition). All you have to do is answer a short question: What was the name of the former pub right next to the Hansa Studios where U2 liked to have a drink while they were working in Berlin? Send your answer by e-mail until Sunday, 16 April (23:59) to gewinnspiel(a)u2tour.de. Please also write your postal address so that we can send you the prize directly. Your data will only be used for the purpose of the competition and will not be passed on to third parties. Only one entry per household (postal address) is possible! In the event of multiple entries, all emails will be excluded from the prize draw. The legal process is excluded. and various tours to the sites of Berlin's musical history, including special U2 Berlin tours as well. Mit Sternchen (*) gekennzeichneten Verweise sind sogenannte Provision-Links (Affiliate-Links). Wenn du über einen solchen Verweisklick einen Einkauf tätigst, bekommen wir von deinem Einkauf eine Provision. Für dich verändert sich der Preis nicht. |