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U2 News » Ali Hewson und The Cranberries

Ali Hewson wird heute im Clarence Hotel die neue Single der Cranberries 'Time Is Ticking Out' (aus dem Album 'Wake Up And Smell The Coffee') vorstellen. Dolores O'Riordan, die Sängerin der Cranberries, wurde zu dem Song durch Alis Einsatz für die Organisation'Chernobyl Children’s Project' ispiriert. Dolores: "Chernobyl was a big issue for a long time then it slipped away. Then I picked up a newspaper. I remember my daughter was probably three months old and there was a picture of Bono's wife Ali, who raises funds for the Chernobyl project. I looked at pictures of her with the children and it totally broke my heart and that's where the inspiration came from."

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