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U2 News » Fotos und Berichte: Bono auf dem WEF

Auf den Seiten von Yahoo! News gibt es mehrere Fotos von Bono auf dem WEF (mit Bill Gates, Paul O´Neill u. v. a.) zu sehen. Weiterhin haben wir einige lesenswerte Artikel für euch zusammengetragen: In an unexpected turn, protests were more focused inside the forum. At one panel yesterday, Microsoft chairman Bill Gates, Senator Patrick Leahy, and rock singer Bono charged that the Bush administration is not spending enough on foreign aid. Leahy, a Vermont Democrat, called US policy a ''disgrace.'' The Boston Globe The U2 frontman and Microsoft founder were the star team at the World Economic Forum in New York, where more than 2,500 of the world's most powerful politicians and business leaders have gathered for the five-day event. News.com.au "At the moment," Bono said, "Africa is in the same kind of vulnerable position that Europe was -- to other extremists and ideologies. And I think it would be very smart for the West to invest in preventing the fires rather than putting them out, which is a lot more expensive." CNN The Irish rock singer, Bono of the group U2, has been making a big impact at the World Economic Forum in New York, with his advocacy of debt forgiveness and the redoubling of international efforts to stop the spread of AIDS in Africa. BBC News

[image] Photo: Reuters/Jeff Christensen/Pool

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