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U2 News » Neue U2-Website ganz im Zeichen der Tour 2005

Ganz im Zeichen der neuen U2-Tour 2005 steht eine neue französische Website eines alten Bekannten: Pascal, ehemaliges Mitglied von u2achtung.com, hat ein zeitlich beschränktes Projekt ins Leben gerufen, das nun mit einer Vorabversion unter u2neophobia.com bereits betrachtet werden kann. Mit dem Start der Tour wird das Angebot dann laufend erweitert. Mit Berichten zu allen Shows, für jede eine eigene Seite und vieles weitere mehr.

For U2Neophobia, 2005 begins a little earlier than usual. U2 live! And nothing else but live. Our goal is to provide you with daily news coverages of the next U2 tour in a new and pro-active way. The official announcement of the next U2 tour (Vertigo Tour ? Atomic Tour ? Love & Peace Tour ?) will be made in a few days; 2005 and the day tickets will go on sale are getting closer too ; the first U2 concert is only few months… It is in period of time that we invite you on our French website to take part in this great event that is the U2 world tour. Indeed, as U2 will perform in the most famous venues (arenas and stadiums) during their world tour, U2Neophobia is taking off. It is a French website entirely dedicated to this next U2 tour. This innovative and exceptional website will re-launch in an expanded version on the day of the first U2 concert and will shut down after the last U2 concert. Between these two dates, you will experience 24 hours a day the U2 phenomenon where it expresses the best.. that is to say : live ! Already, the lite version of U2Neophobia will help you to get ready to live great moments with U2. U2Neophobia.com//”Live is where we live” The phrase which the band often repeats defines what our desire and goal are. U2 live and nothing else but U2 live. This website dedicated to the U2 world tour will make you travel with U2 from Miami to Tokyo with, on the way, stops at New York, Chicago, Dublin, Paris or Sidney, Aus. It is a website for your and our pleasure but most of all it is a website where we will share our live U2 experiences, our unforgettable moments, our happiness and probably our disappointments too. Here are the headings and innovations you can find on U2Neophobia: Already online : - main page - dates and venues - latest news updated daily about the U2 tour. Coming soon (on March 1st 2005) : Innovating editorial contents : live news, medias, news, dates and venues. A page per show. Reports made by our team on all the American and European shows. Multimedia section, archives, forum where fans will be able to discuss together. Plus some great surprises. Don’t be afraid of what is new and you won’t visit our website by chance…

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