Gegenüber dem australischen Sender "ABC" gab Bono in einem Interview an, dass die ausgefallenen Konzerte vermutlich ("probably") im November nachgeholt werden. Genaue Daten konnte Bono aber nicht angeben! meldet sich nun auch zu Wort, wo auch auf dieses Interview Bezug genommen wird. Sollten sich in dieser Sache Neuigkeiten ergeben, halten Euch natürlich auf dem Laufenden!
Looks Like November: Bono has told Australian TV that U2 will be back in the country in November to reschedule postponed shows. There’s no specific dates yet but the band are hoping to make an announcement very soon. Speaking to ABC’s ‘Enough Rope’ on Monday evening, Bono said that he didn’t want to leave Australia without confirming that the band are aiming to get back on the road later in the year. Last week the March and April dates were postponed because of the illness of a family member of one of the band. ‘I can't really get into details why,’ Bono told presenter Andrew Denton. ‘There was a lot of distress and angst and (the) good news is ... I can announce tonight we are coming back, looks like November and that's a great relief for me.’ Bono said it was hard to describe how bad the band felt about postponing the dates – something U2 have only ever done once before - and praised fans for their generous reaction to the sudden news. 'Our music does come out of (a) very tight community,' he said. 'So if one of us is going through it we're all going through it.' He promised that the rescheduled shows would be something special. ‘It will be the only time, you know, we get a chance to play these songs for a long time, it will be extraordinary.’ Catch a clip of Bono's TV interview here Keep checking in with U2.Com for updates on when rescheduled dates might take place.
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