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. Update: U2-Manager Guy Oseary antwortet Fans zum e+i Tour Vorverkauf
Robles (u2mexico.com) / Rodrigo (@U2Uruguay) / Sabine Schieweck (U2tour.de) / Sergio (U2start.com) / Sherry Lawrence (atu2.com) / Tassoula K. (atu2.com) / Team of U2EastLink (U2EastLink.com) / Tim (U2start.com) / Tim Neufeld (atu2.com) / Veronica Salazar (U2mexico.com) Note: In addition to those who signed the letter above, the following fans joined the group after the letter was sent and have added their name now as a sign of support: Carl (U2Songs.com) / Chris... [100.00% - 34.7kb]

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