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. Make Poverty History DVD mit U-Jam
News U2 News » Make Poverty History DVD mit U-Jam Make Poverty History DVD mit U-Jam schlimm 06.12.2006 um 10:06 ... [100.00% - 21.3kb]

. Charity-Auktion zu Gunsten von 'Make Poverty History'
zu Gunsten von 'Make Poverty History' 19.09.2005 Charity-Auktion zu Gunsten von 'Make Poverty History' Beim U2 Konzert am 3. August in München (Tourarchiv ) hatte Jürgen aus Salzgitter das große Glück auf die Bühne geholt zu werden, um mit U2 Party Girl zu spielen (Bericht von Jürgen inkl. Photos ). Die deutsche Fanseite zootopia.de versteigert nun ein ... [100.00% - 22.5kb]

. U2 spenden 5 Millionen Euro für 'Make Poverty History'
5 Millionen Euro für 'Make Poverty History' 28.06.2005 U2 spenden 5 Millionen Euro für 'Make Poverty History' Laut Zeitungsberichten nehmen U2 nicht nur als Band aktiv am Live8 - Festival teil, sondern spenden auch noch eine beträchtliche Summe gegen die Armut in Africa. 5 Millionen Euro werden die 4 Iren und ihr Manager Paul McGuinness aus dem Profit ihrer derzeitigen... [96.68% - 21.0kb]

. Bono zu Gast bei CNN's Larry King - Transcript
that ends extreme poverty. By that, I mean stupid poverty. You know what that is, Larry. There's always going to be poverty, but we don't have to put up with this abuse of our humanity. We really don't. This is the 21st century. This is America. This is LARRY KING LIVE. KING: Bobby, according to America's research group, 23-to-28 percent of shoppers respond to campaigns that direct a part of the purchasing dollars to a cause. Do you consider that high? SHRIVER: I consider it a... [27.39% - 58.0kb]

. Neue Kolumne von Bono in der NY Times
the eradication of extreme poverty in our time.”They’re not my words, they’re your president’s. If they’re not familiar, it’s because they didn’t make many headlines. But for me, these 36 words are why I believe Mr. Obama could well be a force for peace and prosperity — if the words signal action.The millennium goals, for those of you who don’t know, are a persistent nag of a noble, global compact. They’re a set of commitments we all made nine years ago whose goal is to halve extreme poverty... [20.33% - 27.7kb]

. Bonos Berlin-Rede und Bonos Autogramm
not just AIDS, but extreme poverty. By that I mean the kind of stupid poverty that allows a child to die for want of food in its belly, or for want of medication readily available over the counter in any other part of the world. For the first time in history, we have the brains, we have the cash, we have the drugs. Do we have the will. Ja, ich bin ein Rockstar, but ich bin keine dreamer. I'm no Pollyanna. I didn't come of age in the Sixties, with flowers in my hair; I grew up in the... [20.33% - 42.6kb]

. Bono hält heute Rede bei der Labour Party Conference
its root cause, the extreme poverty in which it thrives, it's not just development policy. It's a security strategy. The war against terror is bound up in the war against poverty, I didn't say that, Colin Powell said that. And when a military man from the right starts talking like that maybe we should listen! Because maybe, today, these are one and the same. People get nervous when I talk like this. I get nervous when I talk like this. But in these distressing and disturbing times, surely... [20.33% - 36.7kb]

. Bono beim WEF in Davos
solutions to extreme poverty and the climate crisis" sprechen. Am 25. Januar ist ein Treffen mit dem japanischen Premierminister Yasuo Fukuda geplant. Japan hat in diesem Jahr die G8-Präsidentschaft inne und Bono will mit ihm über das Thema der extremen Armut und deren Bekämpfung reden. Mit Sternchen (*) gekennzeichneten Verweise sind sogenannte Provision-Links (Affiliate-Links). Wenn du über einen solchen Verweisklick einen Einkauf tätigst, bekommen wir von deinem Einkauf... [17.01% - 21.2kb]

. Rolling Stone interviewt Bono
nations to cut extreme poverty in half by 2015. Those college kids are redefining their country through the prism of the fight against poverty. Issues like that afford a chance to America to redescribe itself to the world. But they also afford America a chance to redescribe itself to its citizens. That's what's going on. What do you mean? People are nauseous about being perceived as the enemy. After Abu Ghraib, reasonable, rational people were saying the most despicable things about... [13.69% - 36.2kb]

. Dezember 2006 - / - Seite 1
06. Dez Make Poverty History DVD mit U-Jam 04. Dez U2: Live in Tokio - Teil 3 02. Dez Sonderverlosung zum 1. Advent 01. Dez U2tour.de Adventskalender 2006 ... [13.69% - 18.0kb]

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