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. "Great Albums" von U2 im Radio-Vote
beliebte britische Radio-DJ Daryl Denham (Virgin Radio) hat in seiner Show 50 Alben vorgestellt und über 3500 Hörer haben ihre Favorites gewählt. Unter den "Great albums you really should own" sind auch zwei Klassiker von U2 zu finden. The Joshua Tree ist auf Platz vier gelandet. Dazu Daryl Denham: "...it refined the U2 sound through songs about a mythical America. Featuring arguably the best three opening tracks of any album ever..." Platz elf wird von Achtung Baby belegt.... [100.00% - 22.9kb]

. Stressbewältigung mit 'Beautiful Day'
you’re stuck in a jam,” says Daryl Denham. “The frustration really builds after you’ve done a hard day work then have to get into the car and sweat it out in traffic jams on the way home. “Music is a brilliant way at defusing that tension. You listen to something like Beautiful Day and things don’t seem so bad. It won’t make the traffic go away but it certainly helps.” Research shows that driving can be one of the main sources of tension in life. Health experts BUPA advise listening to... [39.02% - 23.6kb]

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