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. Bono und die Teletubbies!
meinte Bono über Eminem : " Brilliant lyricist and writer who is in the tradition of Rimbaud and the 15th century murder ballads ". Weiters kündigte Bono an, dass U2 bald wieder im Studio sind um am neuen Album zu arbeiten. Das neue Album wird alles bisherige in den Schatten stellen, so Bono. We know Bono as U2 frontman, AIDS activist and global thinker. But what does he think about his contemporaries and being a star? ON PERFORMING BEFORE 80,000 SCREAMING, ADORING FANS: "People think about... [100.00% - 26.0kb]

. U2 gewinnen Golden Globe
'This is really fucking brilliant!' Auch Martin Scorses hat einen Golden Globe für den 'Best Director' gewonnen. Für weitere Bilder hier klicken sowie für ein Photo von Bono und Edge in high quality hier klicken ! Auf der Seite U2exit.com gibt es zwei Videos zu der Golden Globe-Award-Verleihung. Aaron von u2wanderer.org hat die Dankesrede von Bono und The Edge niedergeschrieben: Bono: "That's really really fucking brilliant and really really great.And y'know there's a lot of songs in... [100.00% - 27.6kb]

. Get On Your Boots stürmt die Airplay Charts
– but the finished video is brilliant. He's really nailed it." Über die mögliche Videopremiere berichteten wir HIER . Mit Sternchen (*) gekennzeichneten Verweise sind sogenannte Provision-Links (Affiliate-Links). Wenn du über einen solchen Verweisklick einen Einkauf tätigst, bekommen wir von deinem Einkauf eine Provision. Für dich verändert sich der Preis nicht. ... [50.00% - 19.4kb]

. Trackliste für Linear
watch it or ignore it. Brilliant! As always, U2 are thinking ahead, not so much having one foot in tomorrow's door, as having built the house to which that door is the entrance. "Bono talked me through the songs and the record as a whole. For the first time he had created characters for this record, and wrote lyrics about their lives or from their perspectives. The record had an essence of time to it, most songs had a number or time references connected to them, as if going through... [50.00% - 24.8kb]

. Paul McGuinness auf der MIDEM
are Deadheads. They were brilliantly innovative in finance and technology and though they would pay lip service to "Content is King” what many of them instinctively realized was that in the digital age there were no mechanisms to police the traffic over the internet in that content, and that legislation would take many years to catch up with what was now possible online. And embedded deep down in the brilliance of those entrepreneurial, hippy values seems to be a disregard for the true... [50.00% - 46.1kb]

. Dave Fanning über Get On Your Boots und das Album
faras another demo. I’m not brilliant, I couldn’t predict anything, I wasmore into The Undertones at the time but U2 just seemed to be goingalong the same lines as me and I liked them. Ever since you’ve always had the world premiere of a new U2 single from a new album. I’ve had the world exclusive ever since, Paul McGuinness always likesto start a new campaign with me. I asked him about it this morning, hesaid he thought I was a good luck charm. But my feeling on this albumis that while... [50.00% - 27.9kb]

. Bono zu Gast bei CNN's Larry King - Transcript
Laird at Gap, who's just a brilliant marketing genius. These people have all the design team in Motorola. KING: There was a time, Bono when people who preceded you, rock stars, disdained consumerism, wouldn't go talk to corporate America, didn't like the corporate idea. What changed? BONO: Well, in my experience, some of the people who were so anti-the man weren't paying their road crew and wouldn't talk to people on the street. So I don't care about what came before and you know, you... [50.00% - 58.0kb]

. Bono und O'Neill - Reise beendet
people of Ethiopia. The brilliant Bob Geldof taught me then the importance of being focused, angry, persistent. We raised 200 million dollars, and we thought we'd cracked it. It was a great moment, it was a great feeling. Then I discovered that Africa pays 200 million dollars every five days repaying old debts. Can I repeat that, $200 million dollars every five days. Tears were obviously not enough. We discovered what you here today already knew. That a lot of the problems facing the... [50.00% - 33.8kb]

. Stressbewältigung mit 'Beautiful Day'
the way home. “Music is a brilliant way at defusing that tension. You listen to something like Beautiful Day and things don’t seem so bad. It won’t make the traffic go away but it certainly helps.” Research shows that driving can be one of the main sources of tension in life. Health experts BUPA advise listening to music or as a method of reducing tension for motorists. More than 56 per cent of drivers will get lost at least once during summer trips and arguing children can turn the... [50.00% - 23.6kb]

. Nehmt euch einen Moment Zeit für DATA
Trade for Africa. Soon the brilliant mind and heart of Steve Taylor joined the mix and the rest is becoming history. More than 15 Christian artists have chosen to endorse DATA's initiative. While concert goers are being asked to provide their name and email address to receive DATA's strategic initiatives, many of the artists are also recommending other immediate ways fans can respond to Africa. For more information visit datadata.org. ©Gotee Records | 27 Jul 2002 @ 21:36 von Honey |... [50.00% - 28.4kb]

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