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Zeige Seiten 81 - 90 von 224 Ergebnisse (0.01 Sekunden)
. Lovetown - A Sort Of Homecoming
bei Angel Of Harlem sowie People Get Ready. Bei letztgenanntem Song wurde ein Gast aus dem Publikum auf die Bühne geholt, der die Band virtuos auf der Gitarre von Christian Escher (Gesang) begleitete. Als einziger kleiner Kritikpunkt zu diesem Gig darf angemerkt werden, dass der Gesang, anders als bei früheren Konzerten, bei einigen wenigen Songs etwas "hart" rüberkam. Alles in allem ein tolles Lovetown-Konzert, das wieder sehr viel Freude machte, sowohl dem eingefleischten U2-Fan als... [6.02% - 23.3kb]

. Fundstücke und Gedanken zur neuen U2-Tour
to share this album with people from a live perspective, playing songs here and there for an audience." Das ganze Interview findest Du HIER . Darüber hinaus hat auch Bono in einem Interview mit der Irish Times klar gemacht, dass U2 im nächsten Jahr auf Tour gehen werden . In dieselbe Richtung wird auch Paul McGuinness von Hot Press zitiert: "I think you can expect a major tour starting next summer that will in every way be what people expect of U2 - groundbreaking, unique and... [6.02% - 22.3kb]

. 20 Jahre U2tour.de / 20 years U2tour.de (news also in English)
mit einem "Love to the people at Hansa Studios last night" seinen Respekt. Dein Browser unterstützt keine Audiowiedergabe. Ebenfalls 2005 gab es zur Vertigo Tour erstmals unsere eigenen Tour-Lanyards , die wir immer unter Beachtung aller Urheberrechte designen. Die Lanyards und unsere eignen Shirts sind inzwischen fester Bestandteil bei einer U2 Tour und den Verkaufserlös spenden wir an soziale Projekte und Einrichtungen. Bereits 2009 kamen insgesamt knapp 4.800 Euro zusammen,... [6.02% - 46.8kb]

. #fanletters2U2 - A compilation by U2tour.de (inkl. Download Link)
band had and have for many people. Among them touching stories, moving fates and unforgettable memories. All information about the project and all letters online can be found HERE. We were so overwhelmed by the resonance that we wanted to make the small idea, which had become a big project, collectively available. We did this in a first step on our own landing page on our website. In the second step, we wanted to immortalize the letters physically and make them available to the... [6.02% - 30.6kb]

. U2 Konzert: 04.11.1987, St. Paul - Civic Center
Kommentar Vor People Get Ready holt Bono den Gitarren Techniker Fraser McAllister auf der Bühne und gratuliert ihm zum Geburtstag. Als Geschenk darf er bei People Get Ready Gitarre spielen. Hinterher singt Bono gemeinsam mit den Fans Happy Birthday für ihn. Tweet ... [6.02% - 20.7kb]

. DVD U2 - Zoo TV Live From Sydney
videotape copy, while many people had already simply downloaded illegal DVD copies of the tape from the internet. There had been rumours that the recording of the show from 1993 would be digitally remastered for a DVD release for years, but again and again fans were left disappointed. Then there was a long wait, and the announcement of a U2 DVD box set, then another retraction of that announcement, or the DVD simply disappeared from the record label’s list of releases. Now, however, all of... [6.02% - 63.4kb]

. Gefunden: Die Plätze zu den Photoshootings von HTDAAB
went there when, not likely, people were inside and allowed us to take some photos. We want to take this chance to thank to our dear Mr. Azevedo, who received us in such a kind way. Concha Bar is part of a group of swimming pools, placed near to a beach called Praia das Maçãs (in English Apple beach, which is somewhat funny – think U2 iPod), and it’s the place where the band took pictures and shoot for the video. You can perfectly see a spiral slide, the showers of the swimming pool, and you... [6.02% - 26.4kb]

. Bericht und Bilder des Duetts 'The Edge' & 'Wyclef Jea...
17 2002. Make a note of it people, because it’s going down in history as the date when Witnness and Dublin established themselves proper on the hip-hop map. Man what a night it was, and we can easily say that this was the best of all the Witnness gigs to date. Big shouts out to Creative Controle and Stevie G who set pulses racing and raised the stakes for Mr Jean, who did not fail to blow us all away with his Refugee stylee. And if that wasn’t enough, the night’s biggest secret saw Wyclef... [6.02% - 31.9kb]

. U2 Awards: Ehrendoktortitel der Berklee College of Music
Collaborating with talented people is not easy, but it's the way to really shine - you shine brighter if you are working with really great people. The important thing in the end is not that you are proved right every time, the important thing is that the music is the best that it can be." Und mit einem AC/DC-Zitat verabschiedete er sich: "For those about to rock, we salute you." Award für: The Edge Award: Ehrendoktortitel der Berklee College of Music Organisation: Berklee... [6.02% - 13.2kb]

. Songs die einen tief berühren/Instinkt treibt U2
but you know what? People don't hear the couplets when we play the song. 1. "Where the Streets Have No Name" / "I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For" 1987. It's a bit of a cheat to list two songs, but the tunes from "The Joshua Tree" have always seemed to be closely connected expressions of spiritual search. 2. "One" 1991. Rock is often best when it is rowdy and irreverent, but the heart of U2's music is its gracefulness. Even in moments as melancholy as this, there is an... [6.02% - 22.6kb]

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