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. U2 Buch: Cedarwood (English) - Andre Thyret & Melanie Dohle
create, write and publish a children’s book. Without a big publisher and their promotional machinery that can be difficult. But they stayed the course, and now all of us can spend our evenings reading about Bono and his friends to our little ones. ”Cedarwood“ is the first children’s book inspired by U2! U2’s fan community is large, and loyal - which gives this book, in English, a pretty strong group of potential customers. It’s also a group of critical customers, because they know the... [8.22% - 18.1kb]

. Bono für einen Tag Chefredakteur
a whole generation has left children to bring up children (the Lord of the Flies syndrome). I'm a witness to this. What can I do? Or this: my new friend Prudence, who even if she had access to anti-retroviral therapies would not have shared them with her now dead sister or best friend Janny, because her fellow activists were more important to keep alive. Why? Because picture this: most activists and trained nurses cannot afford the drugs available to us in any corner chemist. I am a witness... [8.22% - 30.2kb]

. Wissenswertes über Ali Hewson
Auszüge daraus: "I have seen children born with deformities and dying in orphanages," says Hewson. "children who have had their thyroid glands removed and will need to take medicine for the rest of their lives - if they can get it. And because radiation does not respect borders, in Ireland we are in the same position as Belarus. We did not ask for this nuclear power base to be built beside us, but we are just as vulnerable as the people of Britain." "It was having children, she says, that... [8.22% - 25.6kb]

. Morleigh über Irland, Dublin und Bauchtanz
and The Edge have two children, daughter Sian, 5, and their son, Levi, who is 3. Although the family is living near town while their house in plush Dalkey is being renovated, Morleigh is eager that her children know their roots. "The kids are being brought up here but they know they're from LA as well. Because of their dad's job I'm the consistent person in their lives." "It's funny, I never imagined that I would ever end up living in Dublin. There's not one molecule of Irishness in... [5.48% - 26.6kb]

. Zweitletzter Halt der Tour: U2 rocken Santiago de Chile
mothers where are their children. Just one thing. Tell them where are their children so they can bury them so they can say goodbye to them, so Chile can say goodbye to the past. God is your judge. Please, give the dead the back to the living." Insgesamt stand Chile nun vier mal auf dem Tourplan von U2, zuletzt während ihrer 360°-Tour 2011. Bei der damaligen Show gab es einen Gastauftritt von Francisca Valenzuela während 'One Tree Hill'.  Mit Sternchen (*) gekennzeichneten Verweise... [5.48% - 21.5kb]

. For Love Or Money?
homes with his wife and four children, including a house near Nice in the south of France, a duplex apartment overlooking New York's Central Park that he bought from Apple Inc.'s Steve Jobs, and a gated estate in Killiney, 10 miles south of Dublin, with a panoramic view of the Irish Sea. Bono's foray into private equity, via Menlo Park, California-based Elevation Partners LP, has clashed with his ideals at times. Elevation's first investment was a stake in two computer game companies,... [5.48% - 46.6kb]

. Bush nimmt Bezug auf AIDS-Problematik
virus -- including 3 million children under the age 15. There are whole countries in Africa where more than one-third of the adult population carries the infection. More than 4 million require immediate drug treatment. Yet across that continent, only 50,000 AIDS victims -- only 50,000 -- are receiving the medicine they need. Because the AIDS diagnosis is considered a death sentence, many do not seek treatment. Almost all who do are turned away. A doctor in rural South Africa describes his... [5.48% - 27.1kb]

. U2 History 2001 - Bandgeschichte
Coverversion des T-REX Songs CHILDREN OF THE REVOLUTION eingespielt. Witzige Randerscheinung: In einem Medley ist PRIDE in einer kurzen "Musical-Version" zu hören, gesungen von den Hauptdarstellern des Films, NICOLE KIDMAN und EWAN McGREGOR. Anlässlich des 40jährigen Bestehens von amnesty international stellen U2 der Organisation ihren Song 40 für die Untermalung von Kampagnen zur Verfügung. 02. Juni 2001 U2 werden beim Amnesty Benefiz Konzert in London (STAY vom 25.05./Toronto) per... [5.48% - 27.1kb]

. Bono in Afrika "I cannot believe that ...", ...
have given HIV to their children in childbirth. Can you believe that? I cannot believe that. It is insanity [...] It is just not acceptable that Ethiopia, where 62 percent of adults cannot read, where one million children are orphans, is paying $100-million a year to us. This is not acceptable on any level, anywhere, anyhow. " Weitere Auszüge aus dem Gespräch und ein sehr interessanter Bericht findet sich auf den Seiten von www.iafrica.com ! »... [5.48% - 25.2kb]

. Benefizsampler mit U2
Die CD wurde für Project Children zusammengestellt; eine Gruppe die katholische und protestantische Kinder in Nordirland durch verschiedene, gemeinsame Aktivitäten zusammenbringt. Die Trackliste findet ihr auf der eigenen Homepage Project Children , dort kann die CD auch direkt zum Preis von $ 14.95 bestellt werden. News geschrieben von schlimm am 17.12.2004 um 08:09 Uhr | Allgemeine News | Kommentar ? ... [5.48% - 20.7kb]

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