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. "Salute to Greatness" Award
just talking about the American dream. It was a much bigger idea, actually, an idea that could fit an African dream, an Irish dream. And it certainly wasn't a daydream. It was a call to action. " Vor der Veranstaltung traf sich Bono mit Globalisierungsgegnern, die Proteste während des G-8-Gipfels im Juni planen. Bono zum kommenden G-8 Gipfel: " The G-8, the richest countries in the world, are coming to Georgia this summer for their big hoo-ha. And you know I think they came to the right... [5.90% - 22.0kb]

. Info for English speaking visitors
12th) at 9am CET. Tickets can be bought online and you can pay by creditcard. Links to relevant online shops will be available at this site on saturday morning. News geschrieben von björn am 10.02.2005 um 22:14 Uhr | U2 Vertigo Tour | Kommentar ? ... [5.90% - 20.7kb]

. Visions im Gespräch mit Anton Corbijn
Album-Cover von All That You Can´t Leave Behind äußert. Corbijn: "...Letztlich mache ich nicht viel mehr, als Menschen zu fotografieren.". Visions: "Auf dem Albumcover von U2s All That You Can´t Leave Behind hast du auch nicht mehr gemacht, als vier Männer an einem Flughafen abzulichten. Dennoch hat das Foto Tiefe. Zum einen natürlich durch die Vorgeschichte der Band, zum anderen aber auch durch die matten, warmen Farben und die gewählte Location. Denn welcher Ort symbolisiert die Musik U2s... [5.90% - 24.6kb]

. Stereophonics plaudern aus dem Nähkästchen, U2 Vertigo...
support U2 on the North American leg of Elevation. “We did ten shows with them in Europe and another five in the States, which was great ’cause up till then no one had heard of us there,” Kelly continues. “The people from MTV, VH1 and radio tend to pay attention when you’re supporting the biggest band in the world. Those doors having been opened, we were able to go back and play our own gigs in front of our own fans. One minute you’re ‘the Stereowhats?’, and the next you’ve got 1,500 pissed up... [5.90% - 27.4kb]

. Belfast-Show nächsten Sommer ? - Die Tourgerüchte häufen sich
Odyssey arena next year, I can reveal. The stars are desperate to perform in Belfast as part of a huge World tour that is being secretly planned. Bono and the band have met to discuss the massive tour which will include 100 shows across the globe. And insiders tell me that they are looking at performing at the Odyssey Arena as one of the highlights. My extremely wellplaced source said: "Bono has said that a show at the Odyssey simply must happen this time. "They've missed out Belfast on... [5.90% - 23.7kb]

. 'Times Talks' Interview mit Bono zum Download
issue of the times. How can we watch people die when we have these medicines? And we had argued with him, these medicines are advertisements for America, they're advertisements for the best of the West." An Ability to Influence Conservative Politicians : "I've always tried to appeal to people's convictions that they may have had once and lost....A lot of these people have come into public service for good reasons, and maybe they've lost some of their fire. I think you can rekindle... [5.90% - 23.6kb]

. Thank you, Germany! Photos, Video und Rede von Bono beim Echo Award
the voices of 20 million African children who are now in school because of this, because of you. 20 million African children in school because of you. And I come to Germany to thank you for that. Thank you, Germany. Now - the G8 are coming back to Germany - Heiligendamm - I hear it is a nice place, by the sea, myself and the great Herbert Grönemeyer are going there on our holidays. We need to hear your voices again, louder than before. I want to hear you raise your voices, Deine Stimme,... [5.90% - 24.4kb]

. 'The Arcade Fire' über U2
really well-designed. You can play a crappy show in a 100-person room, and you can play a crappy show in a 15,000-seat room. You just have to make the most of whatever situation you're in. " Mit Sternchen (*) gekennzeichneten Verweise sind sogenannte Provision-Links (Affiliate-Links). Wenn du über einen solchen Verweisklick einen Einkauf tätigst, bekommen wir von deinem Einkauf eine Provision. Für dich verändert sich der Preis nicht. ... [5.90% - 19.1kb]

. Peace Aid - Friedenskonzert mit U2 ?
Park but we're unsure if we can get permission for a huge crowd there again so soon after the peace march on February 15." If the Royal Parks Agency block Hyde Park, Healy will try for a smaller bash at the Millennium Dome, which can hold 35,000. English Partnerships, who own the Dome land, are considering an application. However, they are the Government's regeneration agency and there are fears they will not give the green light to a protest. Emily Eavis said: "I think after all the... [5.90% - 24.7kb]

. Bono über das neue Album
want to see what else we can do with it, take it to the next level; I think that's what we've got to do."). Ein weiteres Zitat:"Wir werden weiter als Band bestehen bleiben, vielleicht wird der Rock gehen müssen oder der Rock muss härter warden, aber was auch immer passiert, es bleibt nicht dort wo es ist.."( "We're gonna continue to be a band, but maybe the rock will have to go; maybe the rock has to get a lot harder. But whatever it is, it's not gonna stay where it is."... [5.90% - 22.8kb]

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