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U2 News » "He's a boring singer" Henry Rollins über Bono

Hardcore-Rocker, Schauspieler und Schriftsteller Henry Rollins hat in einem Interview mit der Zeitung 'Metroactive' seine Meinung über Bono und dessen sozialpolitisches Engagement zum Besten gegeben. So erklärt Henry Rollins scharfsinnig: "Now, I hate this guy's music, but I like the idea of absolving Third World debt, because otherwise these people are gonna die." Und kommt dann zu der Schlußfolgerung: "But now he's "Mr. AIDS Guy"...How did you go from Third World debt to AIDS?...is this a crusade or really good promo for U2's new greatest-hits album?" Henry Rollins wird demnächst ein neues Album und noch weitere Projekte, inklusive des Comebacks seiner legendären Band 'Black Flag', veröffentlichen. Und um es mit den Worten von Mr. Rollins zu sagen: "really good promo".

Auszug aus dem Interview ©Metroactive Pressed for Time By Michael Alan Goldberg Do you ever suspect the motives of people like Bono, who always seem to have a camera crew around when they're doing charity or benefit work? I think if the guy is doing something, it's better than nothing, but I just wonder if he's following through. Like he's "Mr. Africa Third World Debt Guy," which is a huge issue. You're talking about the continent of Africa--a huge piece of real estate with imminent fucking danger to human life. Now, I hate this guy's music, but I like the idea of absolving Third World debt, because otherwise these people are gonna die. So if he's using all that rock-star power, well, fucking right on. But now he's "Mr. AIDS Guy"--well, wait a minute. How did you go from Third World debt to AIDS? It starts to sound like he leaves a lot undone. So when I see Bono doing this, I think, Gee, is this a crusade or really good promo for U2's new greatest-hits album? How can you go on tour and be "Cause Guy" to the level that he's purported to be? Seems to me you'd have to quit the band to do that. I dunno. I have to think his heart's in the right place. I think he's a boring singer, but I don't think he's a bad man.

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