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U2 News » Q Magazin Interview "10 Years of Turmoil Inside U2"

Auf den Seiten von Youtwo.net findet sich nun das U2 Interview der aktuellen "Q" Ausgabe. Gesprochen wurde auch über das neue Best Of Album. So meinte Edge: "It's difficult for us because you're trying to listen to the material with a bit of a distance. There's a few tracks on there that I never thought would've made it, like 'The First Time' from Zooropa. And then on the other hand, there's something like 'The Fly' from Achtung Baby, which I'm not sure about anymore. I'm not sure whether it's really stood the test of time. But that's why I'm excited about this collection. We're all in favour of revisionism..." Das komplette Interview ist in vier Teilen auf Youtwo.net abrufbar - hier klicken!

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