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U2 News » Mehr Infos zum neuen Album

Ihr wollt mehr Infos zum neuen Album? Bitte sehr. Wir haben sie - und richtig! Die Trackzeiten haben wir euch ja schon am 27. September präsentieren können, das ist ja nichts neues. Nun wollen wir euch ein wenig mehr Einblick in die Produktionsdetails zu den Songs geben, mit den richtigen Angaben zu den Produzenten, zusätzlichen Produzenten und weitere Credits, sowie weitere Angaben zum Inhalt der Bonus-DVD. Nicht übersehen: Backing vocals von Larry, Shaker von Daniel Lanois u.v.m. 1. Vertigo (3:13) Lyrics by Bono with The Edge, Produced by Steve Lillywhite, Backing Vocals by The Edge, Synthesizers by Jacknife Lee

2. Miracle Drug (3:53) Lyrics by Bono, Produced by Steve Lillywhite, Additional production by Carl Glanville and Jacknife Lee, Piano and additional vocal by The Edge, Backing vocal by Bono and Larry Mullen, Synthesizers and Programming by Jacknife Lee 3. Sometimes You Can't Make It On Your Own (5:05) Lyrics by Bono, Produced by Chris Thomas, Additional production by Steve Lillywhite and Nellee Hooper, Keyboards and additional vocal by The Edge 4. Love And Peace Or Else (4:48) Lyrics by Bono with The Edge, Original Production by Brian Eno and Daniel Lanois, Additional production by Chris Thomas, Jacknife Lee and Flood, Mixed by Flood, Synthesizers by Brian Eno, Piano and backing vocals by The Edge, Shaker by Daniel Lanois 5. City Of Blinding Lights (5:46) Lyrics by Bono, Produced by Flood, Additional production by Chris Thomas and Jacknife Lee, Piano by The Edge and Bono, Synthesizers by Jacknife Lee 6. All Because Of You (3:34) Lyrics by Bono, Produced by Steve Lillywhite, Mixed by Flood, Backing Vocals by The Edge, Keyboards by Jacknife Lee 7. A Man And A Woman (4:27) Lyrics by Bono, Produced by Jacknife Lee, Backing vocals and aditional percussion by The Edge, Synthesizers by Jacknife Lee 8. Crumbs From Your Table (4:59) Lyrics by Bono, Produced by Steve Lillwhite, Additional production by Jacknife Lee, Mixed by Steve Lillywhite, Flood and Jacknife Lee, Additional guitar-atmospherics and synthesisers by Jacknife Lee 9. One Step Closer (3:48) Lyrics by Bono, Original production by Chris Thomas and Daniel Lanois, Additional production by Jacknife Lee, Additional guitar by Bono, Backing Vocals by The Edge, Additional guitar and Pedal steel by Daniel Lanois, Synthesisers by Jacknife Lee 10. Original Of The Species (4:34) Lyrics by Bono, Produced by Steve Lillywhite, Additional production by Jacknife Lee, Mixed by Flood, Piano and synthesiser by The Edge, Additional synthesisers by Jacknife Lee 11. Yahweh (4:22) Lyrics by Bono with The Edge, Produced by Chris Thomas, Piano, synthesisers and backing vocals by The Edge, Mandolin by Daniel Lanois, Additional guitar by Bono 12. Fast Cars (3:43) (UK and Japan Bonus Track) Lyrics by Bono with The Edge, Produced by Steve Lillywhite, Keyboards by Jacknife Lee Bonus-DVD: 1. U2 Interview with Interviewer Neil McCormick 2. Sometimes You Can't Make It On Your Own - Studio Performance 3. Crumbs From Your Table - DVD 4. Vertigo - Temple Bar Mix 5. Sometimes You Can't Make It On Your Own - Acoustic Couch 6. Vertigo - DVD (C) 2004 Universal Music International B.V. Filmed on 9th and 10th June 2004 at HQ, Dublin, Ireland Die zweite Single (wie schon im August berichtet) wird am 5. Februar 2005 erscheinen, eine dritte Auskopplung aus dem Album soll dann am 16. Mai 2005 folgen. U2log.com vermelden, dass City of Blinding Lights ursprünglich "Firefly" hieß und war auch schon mal als Track für den "Spiderman 2"-Soundtrack angedacht. In den nächsten Wochen sollen verschiedene Musikvideos in Dublin gedreht werden und Proben für die Live-Versionen der neuen Songs für die kommende Tour waren auch schon in vollem Gange und werden wieder aufgenommen sobald Bono seine momentanen Aktivitäten für DATA beendet hat. Desweiteren sollen 10 Shows in Australien und Neuseeland während der kommenden Tour gespielt werden.

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