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U2 News » Download: Bono und Larry beim "Red Nose Day"

Wie wir bereits mehrfach berichtet haben, fand am 14. März das Kinder-Charity-Event 'Red Nose Day 2003' (siehe News) statt, für den auch Bono und Larry einen Clip einspielten. In dem Sketch versuchen Bono und Larry in Gangster-Manier Geld (für den guten Zweck) von den Pet Shop Boys abzuknüpfen (Transcript). Dank Lauren von BonoOnline.com können wir nun auch das Video dieses Sketches als MPEG anbieten. Das File ist 3,46 MB groß und den Download gibt es hier: Comic Relief Video Download! ('Ziel speichern unter' klicken) Weitere Downloads gibt es auch über unseren U2 Newsletter. Danke an Lauren/Bonoonline.com für die exklusive Bereitstellung des Videos für U2tour.de!

Transcript: Bono: You wanna ride in the goldstream? Jimmy Nail: Thanks very much, but we have to fly commercial to keep our own air miles up ya see. Tim Healy: A lot of cash ain't it to carry around? Gangster Dude: On the road a lot of promotors prefer cash. All: OOOOOOH! Bono: This is going to charity. (points to cash) Comic Relief. Ever heard of them? All: Yeah sure yeah. Larry: Since when?! Gangster Dude: What all of it? Bono: Did I not mention it? (to Larry) Larry: Did you bollocks! Do Adam and Edge know about this? Bono: (Whispers) Be cool, they'll be cool! Larry: You don't know that, you shit! Gangster Dude: Alright guys, tough guys, time for you to move... (points to Jimmy, Tim and the other two) Bono: It's a good cause, good cause. Jimmy: This is what broke the rollers up. Larry: I thought we were saving up to buy erm... Andorra Bono: Were giving away the money that was going to pay for the cigars. Jimmy: Money does terrible things to some people.

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