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Gefunden: Die Plätze zu den Photoshootings von HTDAAB

Nachdem How To Dismantle An Atomic Bomb nun endlich erschienen ist und bereits zahlreiche Runden im CD-Player gedreht hat, ist es an der Zeit sich dem Cover etwas anzunähern. Dabei stechen natürlich insbesondere die Photos von Anton Corbijn wieder besonders hervor. Aber wo hat Corbijn die Band eigentlich fotografiert? Unsere Freunde von U2Portugal sind dieser Frage nachgegangen und konnten fast alle Locations ausfindig machen.

So befindet sich der Platz, wo das Cover geschossen wurde, in einem Randbezirk von Lissabon, genauer gesagt in Sintra. The Platz wird dort 'Praia das Maças' genannt. Schon im April haben U2Portugal über das Photoshooting berichtet (Link). HTDAAB-Cover 2 Fans bei der 'Concha Bar' Auch der Ort für das Backcover wurde gefunden. Es ist ein Strand in Alhos Vedros/Moita. Daneben befindet sich das Industriegebiet, wo auch die Photos gemacht wurden, welche in der November-Ausgabe des Q-Magazines zu sehen waren. Bono im Q Magazine Nov. 2004 Pedro aus Portugal Bono-Style Es befindet sich in der Nähe des Strandes Alhos Vedros/Moita, am Südufer des Flusses Tagus (Lissabon liegt im Norden). Das Gebiet ist schwer zugänglich und wird 24h am Tag von unfreundlichen Securities bewacht. Zu guter Letzt noch die Kapelle, wo ein paar Shootings für die Promo-Photos gemacht wurden. Und auch Photos vom Pool gibt es zu besten ihr seht euch das direkt auf U2portugal an! Und den Text unserer Kollegen von U2portugal wollen wir euch auch nicht vorenthalten: Well....we know that Anton Corbijn was avoiding to let us know where was the ‘scene of the crime’! He really tried to hide it from us…but it’s impossible to keep such secret when there’s a community of fans willing to find out a thing…and ready to make a real ‘investigation’ to find THE spot! And…in fact…the spot is identified. Thanks to the lots of curious Portuguese fans, who spent hours discussing where could have possibly been taken the pictures of U2 in Portugal, as well the scenes from the Lisbon Vídeo…, today, the truth was found! The picture in the cover of How To Dismantle An Atomic Bomb was taken…at the Concha Bar! You know…I think I would never have found the place. The picture was taken at the bar’s balcony, which can’t be seen from the street (except if there’s someone really curious about the place!). The balcony can only be accessed from inside the bar. In a lucky day, U2Portugal went there when, not likely, people were inside and allowed us to take some photos. We want to take this chance to thank to our dear Mr. Azevedo, who received us in such a kind way. Concha Bar is part of a group of swimming pools, placed near to a beach called Praia das Maçãs (in English Apple beach, which is somewhat funny – think U2 iPod), and it’s the place where the band took pictures and shoot for the video. You can perfectly see a spiral slide, the showers of the swimming pool, and you can see a hill behind, called Serra de Sintra. Acording to people in the bar, it happened all of a sudden. Nothing was scheduled. Someone asked them for permission to take a few pictures. Permission was allowed…and U2 ‘ruled’ the place. But…U2Portugal didn’t want to bring you so little. Do you remember the first pictures that came out from Portugal? The band inside an empty swimming pool? Well….U2Portugal went there as well. Members from the Hotel Arribas allowed us to access the swimming pool to take a few pictures…some of them INSIDE one of the swimming pools….EMPTY again! It was funny to find the swimming pool empty again (well… this one is just the pool for kids, cus the big one wasn’t totally empty yet) The result is still very coo!! We could conclude that some of the photos that came out and were said to be taken there, weren’t! One of the pictures from the 2005 oficial U2 Calendar…from the month of June, with Adam….it isn’t there as suggested by many! That particular spot, where Adam and the rest of the band where photographed… wasn’t found yet. Close to the end of the day, part of the mission was accomplished….but there are still a few episodes to come: Santa Eufémia, in Sintra ( place that has a chapel and that is said to be one of the spots where U2 took pictures for the calendar), Parque Quimigal, in Barreiro, and…obviously…LUX! You can see Bono swinging there on the Lisbon Vídeo! If someone has some information about this places and the presence of the band there last April, please contact us! U2Portugal will keep the ‘investigations’!!! In the mean time, the bate is launched. What would you say…to a MEGA exclusive U2Portugal party at the Concha Bar?? The music is already chosen, as well as the place. GET READY guys! We are going to rock this place…and we are going to make the party of the year. December 19th. We are waiting for you! See ya!

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