U2 Travel Guide
U2 Travelguide » Berlin » Grill Royal
The posh restaurant Grill Royal, a regular hot spot for celebrities, opened up in 2007 just beneath the Spreebrücke on Friedrichstraße in central Berlin. U2 are known to have thrown their private Echo-Aftershowparty (at which Michael Mittermeier was present) at this very location on February 21st, 2009. As the evening progressed and the drinks kept on coming, Bono and Mittermeier apparently climbed the tables half-naked (the less private half!) to encourage guests to dance with them. Unfortunately (?) no evidence is to be found of that peculiar night until today.
The band and some of their tour staff visited this place also after their 2009 show at the Olympic Stadium.
Friedrichstraße 105 b, 10117 Berlin
Berlinkarte Nr. 17 | S-Bahnstation Friedrichsstraße and head 200m north. Or Metro Station U6 Friedrichsstraße and head 300m north
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