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. Be strong...Aung San Suu Kyi
News U2 News » Be strong...Aung San Suu Kyi 04.06.2003 Be strong...Aung San Suu Kyi Am Samstag (31. Mai) ist die Oppositionsführerin Aung San Suu Kyi gemeinsam mit 18 Mitgliedern ihrer 'Nationalen Liga für Demokratie' (NLD), von der Militärjunta in Birma (genannt auch: Burma, Myanmar) erneut festgenommen worden. Vor einem Jahr wurde die Friedensnobelpreisträgerin,... [100.00% - 22.7kb]

. Bono trägt nun auch ein 'Live Strong' Wristband
trägt nun auch ein 'Live Strong' Wristband 04.08.2004 Bono trägt nun auch ein 'Live Strong' Wristband Lebanon Daily Record berichtet heute, dass sich die gelben Live Strong Wristbands der Lance ArmStrong Foundation bei Berühmtheiten grösster Beliebheit erfreuen. Bono (Photo ) trägt nun auch ein Band der Organisation zur Krebsbekämpfung. Das Band soll den Kampf... [92.70% - 22.0kb]

. The Best Of 1990-2000 - U2 Album, Lyrics - Discographie
Adams. Assisted by Shannon Strong. Mixed by Flood. Assisted by Shannon Strong. Additional keyboards by Brian Eno. Additional Guitar by Daniel Lanois. Miss Sarajevo : Written and produced by U2 and Brian Eno. Featuring Luciano Pavarotti. Engineered by Danton Supple. Assisted by Rob Kirwan. Additional engineering by Ruadhri Cushnan. Mixed by Jeremy Wheatley. String arrangement by Craig ArmStrong. Stay : Produced by Flood, Brian Eno, and the Edge. Mixed by Flood. Assisted by Rob Kirwan.... [24.89% - 30.4kb]

. U2 - Songs Of Innocence - Review
compressed. The chorus has a strong melody – I woke up at the moment when the miracle occurred – is a line I can’t get out of my head, even if the rest is nothing special. Great to sing along to, even if not a great hit single. 02 Every Breaking Wave - Sebastian Yes, the song seems to have the same bass as With or Without You , particularly at the beginning. And yes, the song has developed and changed from when it was first aired four years ago during the 360 Tour, even if the song... [10.30% - 58.2kb]

. Stellungnahme zum Cover von No Line On The Horizon auf u2.com
to the horizon – that draws strong memories and feelings of time and place. There's also this sense in the title of removing barriers, a longing for purity and beauty and the unspoilt... a longing to return to a perfect moment.Did Bono give you anything else to go on ? He did, he talked to us about this Japanese photographer/artist who he loved, Hiroshi Sugimoto, and in particular he wanted us to look at his seascapes. That was really useful as it gave us some kind of reference for thinking... [6.87% - 27.5kb]

. Pop Up, Edge!
Ab 15 Jahren: Contains strong language Einzel-DVD: Ab 12 Jahren: Contain one use of strong language Da hat Bono auf der Bonus-DVD wohl zum zweiten mal "Fuck" gesagt! ;) Bestellen bei Amazon.de: Limited Edition (Doppel DVD) | normalen Ausgabe (eine DVD) Order at Amazon.com : Limited Edition | Single Edition Mit Sternchen (*) gekennzeichneten Verweise sind sogenannte Provision-Links (Affiliate-Links). Wenn du über einen solchen Verweisklick einen Einkauf tätigst, bekommen wir... [6.87% - 27.3kb]

. Interview with Anton Corbijn
thinks they all look really strong. Björn: Who is the most difficult to take a picture of in the band? Anton: I think Adam and Bono. Bono because he has so many good and bad days. Sometimes theres so much going on in his head, good day, bad day or he is frustrated. He is such an extreme guy, also emotional wise. Him and me we both have strong ideas and that sometimes conflicts. And with Adam: he is sometimes not so interested in the process. Larry might also be not so... [6.87% - 35.2kb]

. Grammy Interview
Civilization becomes too strong a word if you can live comfortably with those kind of fatalities. I don't think you have to be that clever and smart to work that out. It's just absolutely clear. What annoys me the most is stupidity. People are dying for the most stupid of all reasons: money. How do you persuade the public that a calamity on that scale is fixable? Many people would feel overwhelmed and helpless against a tragedy that widespread. It's so doable. If the political will is... [6.87% - 41.1kb]

. U2 Single: The Fly
Adams. Assisted by Shannon Strong. Mixed by Flood with Daniel Lanois and Steve Lillywhite. Assisted by Robbie Adams. Special thanks to Brian Eno. Alex Descends into Hell for a Bottle of Milk / Korova 1: Written by Bono and the Edge. Produced and arranged by Paul Barrett. Assisted by Ian Bryan. Mixed by Ingmar Kiang. Programming by Dave Clayton. Percussion by Noel Eccles. Boy Sopranos: Noel and Jerry O'Gorman. Special thanks to Dr. Albert Bradshaw. From the RSC production of "A Clockwork... [6.01% - 17.5kb]

. U2 Single: Who's Gonna Ride Your Wild Horses
Bryan. Assisted by Shanon Strong and Fiach Cooling. Edited by Stewart Whitmore. Piano: The Edge and Paul Barrett. Strings: Paul Barrett and the Edge. Moogorgan: Paul Barrett. Paint it Black: Written by Mick Jagger and Keith Richards. Produced by Paul Barrett and U2. Mixed by Paul Barrett. Assisted by Ian Bryan. Keyboards by Paul Barrett. Fortunate Son: Written by John Fogerty. Produced by Paul Barrett and U2. Engineered by Paul Battett. Assisted by Ian Bryan. Backing vocals by Maria... [6.01% - 18.3kb]

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