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. Courtney Love vs. Universal
sie als "manipulative lovely Irishman" bezeichnet, seine Unterstützung zugesagt. In einem Interview mit der 'Los Angeles Times' hat Courtney Love, die mit Kurt Cobain verheiratet war, einiges über die Machenschaften der Musikindustrie zu berichten gehabt. Unter anderem erzählt sie, dass 'Universal/Interscope' die Vermarktung von 'All That You Can't Leave Behind', finanziell, nicht unterstützen wollten. Erst nach einem heftigem Eingreifen von Paul McGuinness haben die Verantwortlichen ihre... [100.00% - 25.7kb]

. Driving To Midnight Mass (On A Dublin Christmas Eve) - U2 Songtexte - Lyrics - U2 Disc...
recite for you by another Irishman, John F. Dean It's about driving to midnight mass in Dublin on Christmas Eve: Five-thousand million years ago, this earth lay heaving in a mass of rocks and fire Wasting, burdened with its emptiness Tonight, when arthropods and worms and sponges have given way to dinosaurs And dinosaurs to working, wandering apes Homo erectus have given way to sapiens, and he to Homo sapiens sapiens (alias Paddy Mack) Look down on Dublin from the hills... [87.50% - 17.0kb]

. Hall Of Fame Clip und Berichte
will be told by a crazy Irishman. Now I realize that it’s a dirty job and somebody has to do it. But don't quit your day job yet, my friend, you're pretty good at it. And a sound this big needs somebody to ride herd over it, and ride herd over it he does. His voice, big-hearted and open, thoroughly decent no matter how hard he tries. Now he's a great frontman. Against the odds, he is not your mom's standard skinny, ex-junkie archetype. He has the physique of a rugby player... well, an... [66.67% - 45.5kb]

. Bono über das Treffen mit Bush
-- of course, I do, I'm an Irishman and I'm proud of being here in the United States. But I think that the way to deal with this lousy PR that you've got is to actually go to these regions and save lives. Because if you're saving the life of somebody, if you arrive with drugs, the anti-retro-viral cocktails that are saving the lives of people's sisters and brothers and cousins, with American ingenuity, I think this problem will be gone... ...I'm here to collect a check, that's what I do. You... [33.33% - 26.0kb]

. "Politicians don't turn me on"
A participant in fellow Irishman Bob Geldof's 1985 Live Aid famine-relief concert, Bono has set up his own group called DATA (Debt, Aid, Trade for Africa), advocating economic aid, lower export tariffs and money to fight AIDS. Renowned for his forthright personality, the 42-year old father of four said he was not getting mellower with age. "I'm getting angrier and that's what makes me believe that with some smart thinking and simple changes to our lives, we can drastically improve the... [33.33% - 27.1kb]

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