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. '48864' für Benefiz-Album geplant
have visited Central America; back then I didn't know who the Sandinistas were. So much of my agit-prop education came via people like The Clash. Or John Lennon. Or Bob Marley." Then there was the sheer thrill and pleasure of encountering that rare thing: a white rock band with a real understanding of the rhythms of Jamaica. "Reggae, yeah," Bono agrees, "and dub and ska and bluebeat, and that whole intoxicating other world that was out there in terms of hearing about Chile or Cuba or... [5.80% - 32.0kb]

. MusiCares Person of the Year
und "The Hands That Built America" selbst drei Songs. Komplette Setlist des Konzerts und weitere Bilder: Update: Auf der Website Grammy.com findet sich der Artikel The Unforgettable Bono der neben weiteren Fotos auch zwei, sehr sehenswerte, Video-Streams der 'MusiCares'-Veranstaltung beinhaltet. Noch mehr Fotos findet ihr auch auf WireImage . Update II: Da die RealVideos auf der Grammy-Seite wohl sehr begehrt sind, haben wir sie zum Download auf unseren Server geladen. Tribute to... [5.80% - 28.5kb]

. Tracklist der Joshua-Tree-Anniversary-Edition bestätigt
Up * 14. Drunk Chicken / America Disc Three - DVD * 1. I Will Follow [Live From Paris] * 2. Trip Through Your Wires [Live From Paris] * 3. I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For [Live From Paris] * 4. MLK [Live From Paris] * 5. Unforgettable Fire [Live From Paris] * 6. Sunday Bloody Sunday [Live From Paris] * 7. Exit [Live From Paris] * 8. In God's Country [Live From Paris] * 9. The Electric Co. [Live From Paris] * 10. Bad [Live From Paris] ... [5.80% - 26.3kb]

. Paul Oakenfold über U2
year about how they broke America. Their method was very simple. They went to America when nobody wanted them, they went back again when nobody wanted them, then they went back again... then when a few people wanted them, they went back again. Then a few more people got into it... until they broke. And that’s what Paul did with dance music. " Mehr von Paul Oakenfold gibt es hier zu lesen... Mit Sternchen (*) gekennzeichneten Verweise sind sogenannte Provision-Links (Affiliate-Links).... [5.80% - 23.3kb]

. Bono bei DATA-Treffen in Florida
stattgefundene 'Heart Of America-Tour' (wir berichteten mehrmals) bei der Bono gemeinsam mit Chris Tucker und Ashley und Winona Judd in sieben US Staaten Schulen und Rathäuser besucht hat, um auf die Notwendigkeit der Hilfe für Afrika aufmerksam zu machen und an die Vereinigten Staaten und Pharma-Konzerne zu appellieren. Bono: "As the biggest fan there is of America, and ironically I'm an Irish rock star, let me say this, I am worried by the dwindling of American foreign assistance over... [5.80% - 26.6kb]

. Lyrics zu American Prayer
by Bono and Dave Stewart: American Prayer This is the time to finish what you started. This is no time to dream. This is the room. We can turn off the dark tonight. Maybe then we might see. This is my American Prayer American Prayer. This is the land. The land that keeps your feet from getting wet. And this is the sky over our head. Remember that what you see depends on where you stand. And how you jump will tell you where you're gonna land. This is my American Prayer. American Prayer.... [5.80% - 26.0kb]

. Bono über ES
the world, especially in America, an air of nervous anticipation. It's not an overtly political song, but I don't think we could have written it before what happened in New York." Den ganzen Artikel könnt ihr HIER lesen. Hier der Teil des Artikels, der sich mit Bono und U 2 beschäftigt. 'You don't have to be specific to be political in a song, and sometimes it's better not to be," says U2 singer Bono. The Irish group's anthem Walk On, originally written in honour of Burmese activist Aung... [5.80% - 25.9kb]

. Neuer Song von Bono
Film von Jim Sheridan "In America". Der Song soll laut Gavin Friday " Time Enough for Tears " heissen. Gesungen werden soll der Song von Andrea Corr . Gavin Friday äußert sich auf seiner Website dazu: "Bono saw the film and was blown away by it. He wanted to work with us and something happened, organically." Gavin Friday beschreibt den Song so: "It's very poetic, very romantic. Very vulnerable and naked. It's a beautiful song." Bono hat mit Gavin Friday und Maurice Seezer bereits mehrfach... [5.80% - 24.4kb]

. Bono spricht vor US-Studenten
und eröffnet die "Heart Of America Tour" der Organisation DATA. | 28 Nov 2002 @ 14:27 von sun | Allgemeine News | Kommentar ? News melden: Webformular Archiv: 2007 Juni 2007 Mai 2007 April 2007 März 2007 Februar 2007 Januar 2006 Dezember 2006 November 2006 Oktober 2006 September 2006 August 2006 Juli 2006 Juni :: News Archiv Rubrik: Allgemeine News Beyond The Edge Elevation Tour HTDAAB Album Tour 2002 Tour Gerüchte U2 Releases U2 Tickets U2 Vertigo Tour U2tour.de Intern U2 Kalender:... [5.80% - 24.0kb]

. Juni 2002 - / - Seite 1
Update: The Hands That Built America - MP3 12. Jun Visions im Gespräch mit Anton Corbijn 12. Jun Rockpalast demnächst auf DVD 11. Jun The Hands That Built America Video 11. Jun Elevation Live From Boston zensiert 10. Jun Alles über die Elevation Tour 2001 09. Jun Der Justizminister und U2 06. Jun Dee Dee Ramone gestorben 06. Jun U2-Alben unter den 'Glorius 50' 04. Jun Michael Mittermeier sucht ... ... [5.80% - 19.2kb]

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