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Bono trifft Chirac

 Honey  19.06.2002 um 16:17
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Bono wird am morgigen Donnerstag (20. Juni) den französischen Präsidenten Jacques Chirac treffen. Grund dieses Treffens, so Chiracs Presseabteilung, ist eine Diskussion über Armut und Entwicklungshilfe in Afrika sowie über das bevorstehende G8 Treffen (26./27. Juni) in Kanada. Update 20. Juni: Auf Yahoo!News gibt es von dem Treffen Fotos sowie ein Video zu sehen. Auch die Netzeitung hat berichtet.

French president to meet singer/activist Bono Thursday PARIS, June 19 -- Irish rock singer and global activist Bono is to meet French President Jacques Chirac on Thursday to discuss poverty in Africa, economic development and a G8 summit to take place in Canada next month, Chirac's office said. Chirac, who won re-election and a parliamentary majority for his party in polls over the past two months, appeared to have agreed to the meeting as part of his bid to cut a new figure on the international scene. Bono, the lead singer of the band U2, has been using his celebrity to attract attention to the plight of the world's poor. He travelled to Africa last month with US Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill to press for billions of dollars to pump into the continent to deal with its crises, particularly that of AIDS. ©Agence France Presse

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