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U2 News » Neil McCormick bloggt über No Line On The Horizon

U2-Jugendfreund und Mitautor von 'U2 by U2 ' Neil McCormick hatte kürzlich die Gelegenheit das neue U2-Album "No Line On The Horizon " in seiner endgültigen Version zu hören. Er berichtet darüber in einem Blogeintrag (klicken)  für den britischen Telegraph. Auch wenn er - wie er selbst zu gibt - nur wenig verlauten lassen kann, sind es durchaus interessante Einblicke. So spricht er davon, dass er mehrere Anläufe brauchte um sich in das Album 'reinzuhören'. Das Album würde einen nicht mit voller Wucht treffen, sondern sich langsam anschleichen und dann von hinten 'zustechen'. Um es zusammen zu fassen: "It could be the glittering sonic mind meld of pop rock and soul that Zooropa wanted to be." Wir sind umso mehr gespannt.

U2's No Line In The Horizon: the new album
Posted By: Neil McCormick at Jan 15, 2009 at 12:23:30

I got to hear the new U2 album in its complete and final form. I can't say too much about it now, for fear that the skylight of my attic office would explode in a shower of glass and a black pvc clad figure descend from wires to seize my computer, leaving behind only a pair of blue tinted wraparound sunglasses.

Actually, I'd be more likely to find a drum stick rammed up my hard drive. Bono is the least of my worries. If it was up to him, the U2 singer would take this album around to every house in the country and sell it door to door with a money back guarantee. He says 'No Line In The Horizon' is the album U2 always wanted to make. He always was an excitable fellow, but he might actually be right.

So what can I tell you without infringing copyright? It took two listens to find my way into it, which has to be good a thing. It is dense, twisty, shiny, modern pop music, a big mash up of Eno ambience, Edge electricity, rhythm and soul. There are verses and choruses, though not necessarily in that order (and quite often its hard to tell which is which). It doesn't feel the need to hit you over the head, but has the Ninja confidence to sneak up and take you unawares. It makes love like its making war. It hasn't frontloaded all its big guns. There is a surge in the middle perfectly timed to quell any uprising, and a killer twist at the end. It could be the glittering sonic mind meld of pop rock and soul that Zooropa wanted to be. Or maybe, like Bono, I'm am just prone to exaggeration.

Bono says I listen to their new albums like a bodyguard. He is probably right. I approach with trepidation, protective of the band's place in my heart and ready to defend them should they drop their guard or their standards. Fortunately, they haven't had to call on my fighting skills yet (though we have had a couple of skirmishes).

A disclaimer: look, I am well aware there are a lot of people out there who find The Man Who Saved The World (as he is known to close friends such as the Pope) (only kidding) a pompous, egotistic, over-bearing, messianic megalomaniac (I think that about covers it), and furthermore consider U2 to be overblown, over-rated stadium rockists with nary a hint of nuance or subtlety. Some of you read this blog and leave derogatory messages every time I mention Bono's name. Well, get over it. Yes, I like U2. Yes, I went to school with them and was a fan from before they were even U2, but only because they were great then, and they are great now.

Here's the thing: I am not alone in holding them in high esteem. They have been together for over 30 years and sold 130 million albums around the world. Many key rock bands of the moment (Coldplay, The Killers, Arcade Fire, Kings Of Leon, Keane) openly incorporate their influence, and covet their slot at the top of the pile. Brandon Flowers of the Killers recently told me, "They're unbelievable, but they're getting old ... It feels like it's time." On this evidence, anyone who wants to shift U2 off their pedestal is going to have to take it by force.

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